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Peel Away Sun Damage with a VI Peel

Everyone knows that one of the easiest ways to keep youthful, wrinkle-free skin is to avoid sun exposure. The sun emits UV rays that can age you prematurely, cause hyperpigmentation spots, and are also the leading cause of both melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers worldwide.

So what should you do when you notice sun damage on your face? Peel it off! 

The VI Peel by Los Angeles-based Vitality Institute is a medium-depth, painless facial peel that is safe for all skin types. Five custom formulations allow users to tailor the treatment to their specific skincare needs. Boasting virtually no downtime and an arsenal of skin-nourishing ingredients, VI Peel lives up to the hype. 

How does it work? VI Peel penetrates deep down into your dermis, exfoliating and stimulating the production of new proteins like collagen. A potent blend of TCA, phenol, salicylic acid, vitamin C, and tretinoin combine to revive dull, rough, sun-damaged skin and give you a healthier, more youthful appearance.

Here at TLC Medical, we have medical professionals trained in how to administer the VI Peel safely and correctly to achieve maximum results. We’ll help you choose the correct formulation for your skin needs, such as the VI Peel Precision Plus, which is specifically formulated to improve damage due to:

  • Sun exposure
  • Melasma
  • UV induced pigmentation
  • Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation

No matter which VI Peel formula you choose, you’ll want to follow a few rules:

  • Avoid the sun for a significant period of time both before and after the VI Peel.
  • If you must go outside, wear a big hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen.
  • Apply moisturizer as directed by your physician or esthetician.
  • Your facial skin may peel for up to seven days. DO NOT pick at the peeling skin, or you may cause scarring.
  • Avoid applying anything other than sunscreen or moisturizer, as directed, to your face.

The effects of the VI Peel on sun damage can be drastic. Due to the prevalence of skin cancers related to sun damage, removing these damaged spots with a chemical peel like VI Peel is ideal. Check out our before and after photos at to see the dramatic difference VI Peel can make. VI Peel also comes in formulations designed for:

  • Active acne.
  • Acne scarring.
  • Skin discoloration and hyperpigmentation.
  • Sun damage or melasma.
  • Enhanced collagen production.
  • Early signs of aging.
  • Rough texture.
  • Keratosis Pilaris.

Call TLC Medical at (813) 874-1852 today to schedule your VI Peel consultation with one of our trained medical professionals, and kiss that sun damage bye for good!